HEVAJRA Practice at Ewam Choden (prerequisites) The First Sunday of the month

January 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Special Events

There are now monthly group practices of the long sadhana of Hevajra in the shrine room at Ewam Choden. These are the first Sundays of each month. The next Hevajra practice session is Sunday, February 3rd at 11:30 AM after meditation.  PLEASE NOTE:   This practice is restricted to people who have received the Hevajra Path empowerment given at the LamDre teachings. People who have had the Hevajra cause and path initiations in the Sakya tradition are eligible to (and urged to) attend. We will practice the sadhana that says ” middle length practice”  on the cover and is usually referred to as the long practice.

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