2015 HIMALAYAN FAIR at Live Oak Park in Berkeley, May 16 & 17–Ewam Choden will be there
April 25, 2015 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
Founded in 1983 by Lama Kunga Rinpoche and Arlene Blum, the annual Himalayan Fair continues to provide entertainment, food, crafts and other wares, education, altruistic support, and all-around fun. Ewam Choden will have a booth there, as we often do. For more information, go to www.himalayanfair.net
Completed-TIBETAN NEW YEAR -LOSAR- PARTY ON FRIDAY EVENING and PRAYERS will accompany MEDITATION on Sunday, February 22, 2015
January 10, 2015 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
Ven. Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche will lead the usual Chenrezig compassion meditation and, following our tradition, he will add on special recitations and prayers for Losar, the Tibetan New Year of the Wood Sheep. The year is 2142. Come to meditation at 10:00 a.m. as usual, receive Rinpoche’s blessing, greet everyone for New Year, and enjoy sweet rice, Tibetan tea, and some special Losar snacks. The Oracle Soup Potluck Party for Ewam Choden members and friends will be on Friday, Feb. 20, at 7:00 pm.
December 6, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
The 41st throne holder of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Sakya Trizin, will kindly bestow the Empowerment of Vajrakilaya. In Tibetan, Dorje Phurba, rdo rje phur pa, Vajrakilaya is a major empowerment which extends over two days. The first day is the preparation and the second day is the main empowerment. The first day is Friday, April 24th. Attendees arrive no later than 3:00 pm. The second day is Saturday, April 25th. Attendees arrive no later than 1:00 pm. Without exception, you must attend both days. The location will be in the area of Ewam Choden. Pre-registration is advised since the number of attendees will be limited according to the size of the venue. The cost to register is $150.00 for each person. There is no prerequisite. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE IN A PACKET TO BE SENT TO ATTENDEES WITH THEIR TICKETS.
This is a profound practice with a long and powerful Sakya lineage.
In the words of His Holiness Sakya Trizin:
“Of the profound and inexhaustible ocean of teachings that Guru Padmasambhava possessed, Vajrakilaya is one of the most important. Its empowerment, teachings and pith instructions were given to one of his most important spiritual disciples, Khön Nagendra Rakshita (Lü’i Wangpo Sungwa), who then practised it until he achieved both ordinary and supreme siddhis. As a sign of his great attainment, he managed to display the great miracle of keeping his vajra and bell suspended in space. Guru Padmasambhava himself declared that Nagendrarakshita had attained the eighth stage of the great bodhisattva path.
The Vajrakilaya empowerment, teachings and pith instructions then passed down from Nagendrarakshita to his own nephews, as they were appointed as the holders of the Khön lineage; and ever since then they have been passed down through this lineage, which includes the five Sakya patriarchs.
So this is a very rare teaching that has not only continued through an unbroken lineage from the primordial Buddha, but has also been passed down through the hereditary lineage. Each of these masters, from Guru Padmasambhava to those of the present, has achieved great realization, and as a result has performed great miracles. I myself received this from my own father, as well as from one of my most important root gurus, both of whom attained great realization through the Vajrakilaya practice, and showed many significant miracles.”
Read more about Vajrakilaya on the main website of H.H. Sakya Trizin at this address: http://www.hhthesakyatrizin.org/teach_vajrakilaya.html
October 25, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
SCHEDULE for the Teachings
SATURDAY, NOV 1—10:30 am to 12:30 pm *Lunch Break* 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
SUNDAY, NOV 2——1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
REQUESTED DONATION AMOUNT — $40 per day or $60 for both days. Pre-registration isn’t necessary, but please arrive prior to the starting time.
Lama Jampa has kindly offered to teach on the first two points of the Seven Point Mind Training, which includes the preliminaries and the actual practice of Tong-Len (གཏོང་ལེན་) (giving and taking ).
He will teach from the untranslated commentary of Tokmé Zangpo, (ཐོགས་མེད་བཟང་པོ), who lived from 1297 to 1371.
Training the Mind in Seven Points is the famous Lo-jong (mind-training) (བློ་སྦྱོང་) text that Atisha, (982–1054 CE), the Indian meditation master, brought to Tibet. An explanation of Buddha’s instructions on training the mind, it outlines in basic steps, the attitudes and practices to be used in daily life. It shows the way to combine ordinary behavior with the highest view.
Lama Jampa Thaye is a scholar and meditation master trained in the Sakya and Kagyu traditions by his two principal teachers, His Holiness Sakya Trizin and Karma Thinley Rinpoche. Born in England in 1952, he became a student of Rinpoche at the age of 20 and met His Holiness a year later.
Lama Jampa obtained his PhD in Tibetan Buddhist history and served as Lecturer of Buddhist Studies and the History of Ideas for over twenty years at the University of Manchester. He was appointed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche as his dharma-regent in 1977 and given the authority to bestow Vajrayana initiations in 1988. Since then he has traveled extensively giving teachings and initiations and is the author of numerous books and dharma treatises. His many dharma activities include a YouTube channel where his teachings can be heard.
The main website for his centers is www.dechen.org.
When Lama Jampa visited Ewam Choden last year, he taught on the history of the Rime movement and on comparing the views of emptiness in Rangton and Shangton.
Completed–KHENPO MIGMAR TSETEN TEACHES AT EWAM CHODEN The Heart Sutra and The Four Noble Truths on AUGUST 16 & 17
August 3, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
Khenpo Migmar Tseten will kindly explain the profound meanings of two essential Buddhist texts—the Heart Sutra, which underlies the Mahayana path, and the Four Noble Truths, the basis for all Buddhism. These events are suitable for everyone and open to the public. They are an excellent introduction to Buddhist philosophy and views for beginners, and an opportunity for practitioners to reinforce and deepen their understanding.
THE HEART SUTRA (Prajnaparamita) or Perfection of Wisdom
The Heart Sutra is the most important Mahayana wisdom training of the Buddha. The Sutra explicitly explains the ultimate truth of emptiness and implicitly shows the graduated path of meditation to go beyond samsara and nirvana. Learning the Heart Sutra also helps to perfect the Mahayana and Vajrayana sadhana practice. Khenpo Migmar will explain the essence of The Heart Sutra based on his forthcoming book, The Wisdom Gone Beyond.
Saturday, August 16th–from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
There will be a break for lunch with some snacks provided by the Center and potluck from people attending.
Requested donation of $50. for the day. Dana (offering) to the Lama is separate.
The Four Noble Truths are regarded as the central teaching of the Buddhist tradition and provide the framework upon which all other Buddhist philosophy and meditation are based. These Noble Truths are the truth of suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the path leading to nirvāṇa. Although we may already be familiar with this core doctrine, by repeatedly studying the Four Noble Truths and their sixteen corresponding aspects, our realizations on the spiritual path can become more transformative and profound. To further study about the Four Noble Truths, please read Lama Migmar’s newest book Awakening to the Noble Truth, which can be purchased on Amazon.
Sunday, August 17th—from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Requested donation of $30. for the afternoon. Dana (offering) to the Lama is separate.
Everyone is welcome.
Please arrive early and be considerate of neighbors when parking in our residential neighborhood.
Lama Migmar has been serving Harvard-wide student, faculties, and staff as a Buddhist Chaplain since 1997. He received both a traditional and a contemporary education in India. He graduated with an Acharya degree in 1979 from Tibetan Institute of Sanskrit University, Varanasi, India, and with first position every nine years among four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He was awarded a medal for academic excellence by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. He was also recognized as Khenpo for his scholarship and service to the Dharma by His Holiness Sakya Trizin.
Lama Migmar served as the head of Sakya Center in Rajpur, India, and the Sakya Monastery in Puruwalla, India, from 1981 to 1989, taking care of the well being of several hundred monastic residents. During this time he reintroduced the original form of the geshe educational system of Tibet, with degrees from kazhipa up to the rabjampa degree, with a curriculum that included all of the eighteen major texts, which are known as the Dragchen Chogyed.
Additionally, Lama Migmar supervised the editing and publication of over 50 rare volumes of Sakya literature including the 31 volumes of Sakya Lamdre and the rare Golden Manuscripts of the Five Founding Masters of Sakya. He founded Sakya Institute for Buddhist Studies in Cambridge, MA in 1990. He leads retreats at Buddhist centers throughout North America and Europe.
He is the author, editor and translator in a series of four Vision books and of the Treasures of the Sakya Lineage. His newest book, just published last month, is called Awakening to the Noble Truth. It’s a teaching on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.
Visit his website at www.LamaMigmar.net
July 31, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
There is a great weekend of teachings & practice with Khenpo Pema Wangdak at EWAM CHODEN.
PUBLIC TALK —Exploring Patience and Its Strength
REQUESTED DONATION—$15.00 Dana (offering) to the Lama is separate.
The enduring positive effects of peace, loving-kindness, and compassion, and everything else that is good in human nature—its values and ethics, its aspirations and goals—are possible only when combined with the strength of the power of patience. Without that strength, these values, profound and noble though they may be, are often seen to be fragile and frail, and thus are neglected, ignored, and misunderstood even by those who aspire to live by them. Drawing on the teachings of Buddha, the virtues of patience, in the length and depth of its meaning, will be presented as an indispensable component of and the very key to a successful life, spiritual or mundane, and every meaningful thing we do: at home, at work, in social life, education, health, and all else that is conceivable. Our measure of accomplishment is fundamentally based on a solid foundation of patience. The talk includes discussion, meditation on the subject of patience, and question-and-answer session.
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY—-SOJONG and LOJONG བློ་སྦྱོང A weekend meeting with Ven. Khenpo Pema Wangdak for intensive teachings and practice sessions on purifying and training one’s mind toward compassion
INFO FROM KHENPO PEMA—-The three most influential Lojong texts—Parting From the Four Attachments, Eight-Verse Lojong, and Seven-Point Mind Training—which have sustained the spirit and purpose of life for millions over the centuries, will be reread, reviewed, and reflected upon, accompanied by step-by-step alternating meditation throughout the day. We will do this as a reminder, as well as an introduction for those who are new to the Lojong teachings, that everything worthwhile in this world and in our life is rooted in the spirit of compassion and kindness that is nurtured by joy of life and equanimity of mind. There will be group practice sessions for beginners and experienced students alike.
The daily schedule will consist of alternating periods of teaching, practice, and guided meditation, with a personal audience with Khenpo Pema. Dedicated practitioners, believers and nonbelievers, the curious as well as beginners, all are welcome to attend this weekend meeting.
SCHEDULE for Teachings and Practice Sessions
SATURDAY, OCT. 25—–START AT 10:30 am BREAK for Lunch from 12:30 to 2:00 pm, STOP AT 4:30 pm
SUNDAY, OCT 26—–START AT 1:00 pm, STOP AT 4:30 pm
REQUESTED DONATION AMOUNT — $40 per day or $60 for both days.
Brief Biography of Khenpo Pema Wangdak
Khenpo Pema Wangdak was born in Tibet and escaped to India as a child in 1959. Having graduated from the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Benares, India, he received his Acharya (masters) degree from Sanskrit University in 1980, while studying with the highest Sakya Lamas.. In 1982, he was sent to the West by His Holiness Sakya Trizin, as the first of the younger generation of Tibetan teachers in America from the Sakya School.
In 1989 Lama Pema founded the Vikramasila Foundation which encompasses several Palden Sakya Centers in New York, three other states, and in some other countries. Lama Pema is the creator of “Bur Yig”–Tibetan Braille, and the founder of Pema Ts’al (English for Lotus Grove) Schools in Mundgod, India (for Tibetan lay children); Pokara, Nepal (monastic schools for boys); and Pema Ts’al School in New York City, with a curriculum modeled on that of Sakya College, India. The Pema Ts’al School in New York City provides a traditional Buddhist education of monastic training and study, in the format of Western university teaching.
Lama Pema was recognized with the title of “Khenpo” by His Holiness Sakya Trizin in 2007. He received the distinguished “Ellis Island Medal of Honor” award by the National Ethical Coalition of Organizations in May, 2009 at Ellis Island for his humanitarian work around the world. Lama Pema is the first Tibetan ever to have received such an award. Recently, Khenpo Pema has been doing translations of sadhanas for his Holiness Sakya Trizin, as well as, traveling to give teachings in various places. He maintains his focal Centers in New York.
Check out Khenpo Pema’s interesting website at http://www.vikramasila.org/ and find him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PaldenSakya You can also go to his Facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lama-Pema-Wangdaks-Fan-Page/210474112326860 and finally, if you’ve read this far, but have never met or heard Khenpo Pema , there are a few short bits on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obcN-Nh6HoE
GUEST LAMAS COMING to the CENTER—Khenpo Migmar, Khenpo Pema, and Lama Jampa Thaye–See below for info
June 29, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
August 15 through 17, 2014—Khenpo Migmar Tseten will give teachings on the Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita, the “Perfection of Wisdom”) and on the Four Noble Truths.
October 24 through 27, 2014–Khenpo Pema Wangdak will teach (topic to be announced)
November 1 through November 2, 2014—Lama Jampa Thaye will teach (topic to be announced)
These Lamas are very popular teachers at Ewam Choden, and we’re fortunate for their visits. Mark your calendars.
UPDATE about Ven. Lama Kunga Rinpoche’s travels
March 20, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events, LAMA KUNGA RINPOCHE UPDATES
Ven. Lama Kunga Rinpoche is currently home in residence at Ewam Choden. Come join him in the Sunday Chenrezi compassion meditation!
Lama Kunga Rinpoche attended the teachings of H.H. Sakya Trizin in Walden, New York from the end of March through April. and then in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, in early May. Prior to attending the New York teachings, Lama Kunga Rinpoche gave empowerments and teachings to a group of students in New Jersey. In June and early July, he was in Europe.
Please click on the CALENDAR on the right side of this page for information about Lama Kunga Rinpoche’s travels and the events at Ewam Choden.
COMPLETED *LOSAR* TIBETAN NEW YEAR MEDITATION on Sunday March 2nd at 10:00 a.m at Ewam Choden
February 23, 2014 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
The usual Sunday compassion meditation will be combined with special meditation prayers in celebration of Losar, the Tibetan New Year. Lama Kunga Rinpoche will bless everyone, and refreshments are served. Everyone is welcome.
December 7, 2013 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Special Events
On Tuesday, December 31st, starting at 11:oo p.m., there will be meditation and prayers, followed by celebrating the New Year with light refreshments, and wishes of peace and joy for all sentient beings. Everyone is welcome.